Buckinghamshire Trading Estate Saves with Earlsmann LED Flood Lighting Upgrade
In common with many managers of industrial estates, the management at Soho Mills in Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, suffered from the regular problems of replacing blown, high level light bulbs in their security lighting.
Defective lighting not only gives a bad impression, it creates potential health and safety issues, and during winter hours has the potential to create security problems. Lighting is usually mounted 4 metres, or more, above ground so access to replace bulbs can be problematic during normal daylight hours and quite hazardous for the engineers.
With the fittings at Soho Mills coming to the point where replacements would be needed, a decision was taken to trial a switch to LED. Earlsmann was able to demonstrate that, with the replacement cost built into the overall expense of switching, a payback would be quickly achieved through reduced running costs.
The initial trial used 15 of the Earlsmann SON50 flood lights and was so successful that it resulted in the installation of a further 20 in a second phase roll out across the rest of the site, ready for winter.
Ian Tillman of Tartan Engineering said “This has made a big difference to the light levels around the site and makes it much safer for our staff at night when, otherwise, they could be walking around in the dark.”