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Use local grant funding to switch to LED lighting

Has COVID-19 impacted your business?

This year has seen extreme pressure put on small to medium enterprises and many are struggling to make ends meet.  COVID-19 has closed, or severely restricted the normal operation of almost every business.  It is now more important than ever to find ways to reduce costs and one of the solutions could be local grant funding to upgrade your lighting to LEDs.

Save energy, reduce costsenergy saving led lighting

As a small business you are probably looking for ways to save money.

The way used by many companies in recent years has been to switch from traditional light sources such as fluorescent, halogens and metal halide, to LED.  You can reduce your lighting energy bill by over 60% just by switching to LED.  Add sensors and you may be able to achieve 80-90% savings.  This can give you a return on Investment of 2-3 years, depending on your daily use.

However, if you’re short of hard cash, this may still be a dream.

Use local grant funding to switch to LED lighting

Many SMEs are eligible to apply for a grant to cover up to 40% of the project cost, which can drop the ROI to a very attractive 18-24 months, but even this may still seem impossible.

However, have you thought of other possibilities?  The government has set up the CBILS (Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme) to provide short term, low interest loans during the Covid era, to aid the day to day running costs and protect the future of your business.  Combine this with a grant and the prospect of new energy saving lighting may no longer be a just a dream.

local grant funding

Firms in Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire will be pleased to know grant money is available through Low Carbon Workspaces, to contribute towards the cost of new LED lighting.  Grant funding is also available in other areas.

BUT be quick, CBILS has only been extended until 31st January 2021.

The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS)

The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) enables smaller businesses to access finance more quickly during the coronavirus outbreak. This scheme helps small and medium-sized businesses to borrow between £2,000 and up to 25% of their turnover. The scheme is open to applications until 31 January 2021. You can visit the gov website to find out more about the loan and get in touch with us to see how we can support you with your LED lighting upgrade.

Post COVID-19 recovery

For forward thinking businesses that have taken advantage of the grants and loans available the future can look rosy.  With a short return on investment, many businesses will be able to enjoy a quicker return to normality and, more importantly, profitability, allowing your business to recover more quickly.  And besides the lower energy costs, you’ll be helping to save the planet by reducing your carbon footprint!

The benefits of LED lighting

The benefits of LED lighting are becoming widely appreciated by businesses as they replace standard filament, halogen, and fluorescent strip lights.

Let’s break down the benefits:

  1. Make significant energy, cost and CO2 savings
  2. Reduce maintenance costs
  3. Improved overall working environment, comfort and productivity
  4. A longer operating lifespan
  5. Are eco-friendly since they contain no mercury or other harmful gasses or emit any harmful UV rays

Earlsmann – your experienced partner in creating total LED lighting solutions

Earlsmann is a UK-based LED lighting company with many years’ experience in the LED marketplace, providing a comprehensive range of lighting solutions to suit every interior and exterior application. In-house designers use Relux modelling to create innovative solutions tailored to individual client requirements.

Find out more about how Earlsmann may be able to help with your lighting project and support local grant funding applications, call 08456 434 740 or email sales@earlsmann.co.uk.

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