08456 434740 sales@earlsmann.co.uk

The Equality Register: Membership Certificate

Earlsmann are a commercial LED lighting company working with businesses across the UK and are pleased to be a member of The Equality Register.

The requirement demands that all public authorities must, in the exercise of their functions, have due regard for the need to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation, advance equality and foster good relations.

One of the Act’s main requirements on public authorities is to publish information to demonstrate their compliance with the equality duty, at least annually.

The Equality Register Certificate

Full conditions can be found on The Equality Register website.

If you would like to find out more about how we work with our customers, please get in touch.


About Earlsmann

Earlsmann has many years’ experience in the LED marketplace, providing a comprehensive range of lighting solutions to suit every interior and exterior application. In-house designers use Relux modelling to create innovative solutions tailored to client requirements

We deliver LED lighting services for all types of facilities and buildings including; sports hall lighting, gym lighting, tennis court lighting, car park lighting, office lighting, LED factory lighting and school lighting. Take a look at some of our completed LED Lighting Projects.

Earlsmann is ISO9001 registered and members of The Institution of Lighting Professionals and The Lighting Industry Association.

Find out more about Earlsmann’s commercial lighting products, call 08456 434 740 or email sales@earlsmann.co.uk.

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