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Constant LUX LED Lighting

BRIGHTON LED bay light
BRIGHTON LED bay light

Constant Lux lighting

The traditional 400Watt metal halide lights were to be replaced with more efficient LED low bay lights.

The main concern was the required constant lux level in the production area of 700 lux

Earlsmann selected their 120Watt bay light with built-in controls and a sensor with a 1-10Vsignal output to maintain the desired lux level.

The light level of the original lights was measured and found to be only around 500 lux.  With the new lights installed a light level around 700 lux could be achieved at the same point.  The control was set to 700 lux allowing the full use of available light coming through the skylights.  This meant the lights would run below their maximum capability which would increase their overall life time

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