Have you thought about using an asset finance company to provide your LED lighting finance?
Cash flow can be a problem nowadays and, with so many calls on cash, capital expenditure is often out of the question. So why not turn to asset finance to get your new lighting installed immediately? The phrase “Lighting as a Service” has recently been introduced to describe what’s going on. Basically you simply “hire”, or lease, your lighting!
What are the benefits to Lighting Finance?
We all know that LED lighting reduces running costs by typically 60-70% and provides a better working environment. They are very controllable, reliable and long lasting so also reduce your maintenance costs.
And it’s good for the environment too by reducing carbon emissions!

We can all see the benefits and would like to install LED lighting so how do we solve the problem of cost? LED lighting has come down significantly in recent years but finding the capital required is still a problem to many.
But it doesn’t have to be!
Lighting finance may well be the answer. The cost can be spread over several years and the savings in power can often cover the cost.
How does Lighting Finance work?
Asset finance is tax efficient so typically, your tax savings will cover the cost of the finance. At the end of the finance period you should have several more years use from your energy efficient LED lighting. Since LED lighting improves every year you can do the same again, take advantage of asset finance and install the latest technology!
Find out more about Lighting Finance and speak to us about our commercial lighting services, call 08456 434 740 or email sales@earlsmann.co.uk.
You might also be interested in taking a look at our recent LED Lighting projects.