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Bespoke LED lighting cuts costs at West Wickham swimming pool

The lighting at large public facilities such as swimming pools uses a significant amount of energy. Replacing traditional lighting with LEDs provides instant savings. LED manufacturer Earlsmann helps its customers to receive payback as soon as possible by providing bespoke solutions. Recently, Earlsmann has provided new LED lighting project for West Wickham swimming pool in Kent, achieving up to 75% savings in operation and maintenance costs.

West Wickham Swimming Pool LED Lighting Project
Bright and efficient: The new LED lighting, fitted within existing housings, provides both better lighting and significant energy savings

Step 1 – determine the client’s LED lighting requirements

Following several successful car park lighting installations in the Bromley area, Earlsmann and NCS Technology (a Kent-based installation specialist) were invited by the Council to tender for replacement lighting at Bromley Pavilion Leisure Centre. The centre is run by MyTime Active, which manages leisure and health centre facilities on behalf of the local authority. MyTime also operates West Wickham Leisure Centre, and met with Earlsmann in January 2016 to discuss installing LED lighting at the centre’s swimming pool.

Step 2 – review existing lighting and model new LED lighting scheme

The existing lighting for West Wickham swimming pool comprised 45 250W SON high bay fittings. Earlsmann modelled the space using Relux software, which showed that only 24 120W LED lights were needed to achieve the required light level – thus achieving even greater savings than originally anticipated.

Step 3 – identify project challenges and develop solutions

During its site inspection, Earlsmann noticed that the existing high bay lights were sealed into the ceiling. This meant that replacing the complete fitting would require expensive remedial work and could even necessitate cleaning the entire pool. Overnight installation would be the only option, as the pool covers would have to be fitted to guard against debris falling from the ceiling.

Step 4 – manufacture custom LED light fittings to minimise installation costs

To overcome the complications of replacing the complete fittings, Earlsmann’s engineers designed a bespoke LED gear tray that fits within the existing enclosures. This new tray has adequate heatsinking to cope with the high ambient temperature in the roof space above the pool. It also has active thermal feedback functionality to ensure the LEDs cannot overheat. The installation of the new LED gear trays into the existing fittings was so efficient that the work could be carried out without needing to close the pool.

Step 5 – optimise LED lighting with sensors to maximise energy savings

As the pool has a good amount of natural light from windows, Earlsmann provided daylight harvesting sensors. These were installed in some of the 21 unused original housings, and maximise energy savings by ensuring the LEDs are only activated when needed to maintain the required light level. The leisure centre is now achieving savings of up to 75% on the operation of the pool lighting.

Kate Shelley, West Wickham Leisure Centre manager, explained that the organisation chose Earlsmann and NCS as “we were confident this was the right solution, causing minimal disruption to the daily operation of the leisure centre”. This project demonstrates once more that Earlsmann and NCS deliver seamless LED lighting design and installation services – providing a ‘one stop shop’ for clients.

Earlsmann – your experienced partner in creating total LED lighting solutions

Earlsmann has many years’ experience in the LED marketplace and manufactures lighting units at its factory in the UK, producing high-quality, reliable products underpinned by a full five-year warranty. The company provides a comprehensive range of lighting solutions to suit every interior and exterior application.

To find out more about Earlsmann’s commercial lighting products call 08456 434 740 or email sales@earlsmann.co.uk

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