08456 434740 sales@earlsmann.co.uk

Product Code: LumaPex


  • Back lighting
  • Photographs & Posters
  • Stained Glass

LumaPex™ panels and light sheets are designed for ultra-thin back lighting in place of conventional light boxes where up to 100mm can be saved; valuable retail space!  The standard panels have the LEDs mounted at the edges, contained within a PVC extrusion which serves to obscure the light sources.  Alternatively, if space is a problem, the LEDs can be embedded directly into the panels.

They generate very little heat and no UV making them ideal for illuminating photographic images and textiles. They are intended for use as a light source that is ideally built into the application.


Typical uses would be:

Backlighting product displays where, due to their thin profile, 75mm or more can be saved which can be used to show additional products.

Illuminated plinths to highlight product displays.

Illuminated shelves for stock highlighting.


If your requirement is simply for shelves with illuminated edges, please see our LightShelf pages

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lumapex illuminated panel 030213 [pdf][/ultimate_modal]

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12V operation Safe
Bright Good for illumination
Low Power Economical
Ultrathin Discreet

More Information


Dimensions (max) 3m x 1.5m
Thickness 11mm or 15mm depending on size & LED
Light source Super bright LED
Life up to 50,000 hours
Frame White pvc
Power up to 20W/m of LED
Power supply Advised at time of purchase

Standard sizes (Illuminated area)

A4 300 x 210
A3 420 x 300
A2 600 x 420
A1 840 x 600


RGB colour changing LEDs
LED colour – white, red, blue, or green

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